So you want to get into Van Life



You’ve seen instagram posts or heard someone talk about it at your local craft brewery and you’re ready to live in a van down by the river.

Here are the essential things you’ll need to survive.

1. A van! 

But in reality any kind of vehicle works. A van has its advantages and disadvantages. The biggest ones are space and stealth. 


Traditional vans have plenty of space such as the Volkswagen’s Westfalia whom purposely designed their vehicles to be lived in during the 60’s.


Ford E-350 vans have plenty of space as well, however, both of these have significant ideas tied to them. 


White Ford vans = pedophiles and Volkswagen’s Westfalia = Hippies. 


There are also Sprinter style vans, which not only are long but also tall. The downside is that they are not cheap and not all mechanics are used to servicing these since they are pretty new to the U.S market.


The stealth factor for vans is pretty low because of their size and looks. If you decide on using an SUV you can pretty much fly under the radar if done correctly.



2. Window Covers

These are essential, you don’t want anybody seeing you sleeping. Random people walking by, the neighbors, or the police. 


These can be made pretty easily to fit your needs. The best way is to use Reflectix insulation and cut it to the size of your windows.


I spray painted the part that faces the outside black so that it is not noticeable. Nothing says “Hey, there’s someone living in here” than all windows covered in reflectix.




3. Gym Membership

Just because you live in a vehicle doesn’t mean you have to smell bad.


I recommend getting the Black Card at Planet Fitness, it costs a little over $20 and it gives you access to gyms nationwide. Most are open 24 hrs as well which is great.



4. Alcohol stove / Propane Stove

I currently have a Trangia 28-T Mini Which is good enough for one person. It uses Denatured Alcohol and it’s super easy to use, just pour the amount you think you’ll need and light it. I store the denatured alcohol in a Trangia Fuel Bottle which makes pouring and storing super easy!

I also have a Gas Stove with adjustable burner, but I like using the alcohol stove inside enclosed spaces.




5. MSR DromLite Bag Water Reservoir

The MSR DromLite Bag is one of the most useful items I have. It’s perfect because it doesn’t take up too much space, it’s easy to refill and sturdy. 

I also have a Hydro Flask Bottle for when I am out exploring. This thing is amazing in maintaining temperature!



6. Good fan

Keeping cool is pretty much one if not the hardest things in Van Life. Having good ventilation will make or break your experience. I have this small rechargeable Innobay Fan



7. Sleeping Bag

No need for blankets, a good Sleeping Bag is all you need. 



8. Milliard Tri Folding Mattress

Sleeping on the seats is fine, sleeping on a mattress is better. This mattress is pretty comfortable and the fact that it is foldable is amazing! Milliard Tri Folding Mattress is another of the most useful items I have!




9. Some Kind of Sink

Believe it or not I used a spray bottle and a cup for a couple months as my sink. I still use the spray bottle but I upgraded the cup to an empty container of cat litter. I use it as a table as well. Nothing fancy, just gotta do with what you have.




10. Storage

This depends on the kind of vehicle you have but it is crucial in keeping your living space organized. I have a Swiss Gear backpack that I use for everything. It’s the perfect size, not too big or too small.




11. Pee Bottle

When you gotta go, you gotta go! I keep an empty 1 Gallon water bottle with a big mouth. I’ve heard of women using an empty Folgers coffee container or a container and a funnel. Whatever works best.




11. Camera

In case you want to document your experiences. I have a Nikon D3300 which is a great entry level camera or you can also use your phone.




That’s all Folks!

Some people have showers, stoves, solar panels, AC units and more luxurious items. That’s the rich version of being poor. It’s nice to have all those things but if you are actually poor and living this lifestyle out of necessity, then these items are all you need.


(This site uses Amazon Affiliate links. Please use them if anything in this list helps you in anyway. Thanks!) 

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